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Some Thoughts on Thelema

Still Life with Books in a Niche
by Barthélemy d'Eyck (c. 1442–1445)

On Pestilence

The Center of Pestilence website project has existed in visionary form for the last two years, the domain having been registered in May of 2020 in the midst of a real-life pestilence. The original intent was to provide a forum where participants could freely discuss parallels and contrasts between Thelema, as both a religion and a philosophy, and other popular systems of thought and belief. Such discussions would inevitably center around passages from The Book of the Law and other Holy Books, as well as the background from which Crowley may have developed his ideas and practices.

Given the admonition against any discussion of The Book of the Law, as expressed in the Class A comment on the book, one may be forgiven for wondering why anyone would participate in a forum such as this or, even worse, to start such a forum with the express intent of enticing participants to flaunt the common tradition.