Welcome to Our Site!

Center of Pestilence is a place where Thelemites — or anyone interested in the writings of Aleister Crowley — can look deeper into the philosophy of Thelema. Our focus is on exploring how Thelemic principles might be applied in fields such as ethics and politics, as well as in everyday life.

We aren't affiliated with any Thelemic organization or society. We do not offer initiations, nor do we provide doctrinal instruction. We're just a couple of philosophers (that is, lovers of wisdom) who got it into our heads that our thoughts might be of some small use to others. If nothing else, they may serve as a springboard for your own philosophical musings.

Here's a selection of articles to give you an idea of what you'll find here:

On Pestilence

Given the admonition against any discussion of The Book of the Law, as expressed in the Class A comment on the book, one may be forgiven for wondering why anyone would participate in a forum such as this …

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The Nature of Reality

Do we really create our own realities? That's a tough question to answer directly because it depends on the precise definitions of the words "we", "create", and "reality", none of which are reliable …

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Defining Thelema

… to assume responsibility for the definition of the label "Thelemite" may well be one of the most essentially Thelemic things a person can do … and a necessary first step toward the formation of whatever new consensus may be in the offing …

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Contemplative Practice

… it's hard to get a clear image of your chosen god form, or to form a clear intention during a ritual, if your mind continually wanders off to contemplate where you're going for dinner afterward …

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"… and to each man and woman
that thou meetest, were it but
to dine or to drink at them,
it is the Law to give."

— Liber AL vel Legis, III:39 —

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